Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wednesday, May 4th

Good Morning!

The rain didn't deter our work yesterday.  Friends transported belongings to the Bailey's Barn nearby where many hands worked to clean, sort, and store their things in labeled boxes.

This brings up an immediate need.  We have run out of plastic storage containers.  If anyone can donate some more medium to large sized plastic (rubbermaid or generic) storage boxes, they are needed right away.  You can contact the Travers or the Baileys if you need more information on this project.  Praise the Lord, word has been received that our church's mercy ministry and some members of our SS class are providing the containers, and that they should arrive sometime today!

In the valley, work will continue today to completely clear and then clean debris out of the Retreat Center.  If anyone is going to the Valley, you may want to be prepared with brooms, dust pans, and shop vacs to help in cleaning debris from the walls and floor.  It is generally a good idea to be prepared with work gloves, and you may want to consider a mask and eye protection too.

A second project that can be "tackled" tomorrow is to cut up the trees around the perimeter of the property (with chain saws) into lengths which can then be bull dozed into burn piles.  Please, it has been requested that only those who have adequate experience and proper safety equipment (goggles, gloves, chaps) should help in this project.  It is our prayer to avoid any potential accidents.

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